Kowe A. Kadoma


Hi, I’m Kowe (co-weh)! I am a fourth year PhD student at Cornell Tech in Information Science. My research centers around users and developers. In the Social Technologies Lab, I develop evaluation frameworks and design interventions to support users in AI-mediated communication (AI-MC). I also explore how developers create fair algorithms and incorporate ethical principles into their work. I use mixed methods approaches and draw from computer science, sociolinguistics, ethics, and law in my work. My work has been supported by The National GEM Consortium and Cornell’s Digital Life Initiative. I am also an active member in the AI Policy and Practice group and CTRL-ALT group.

Previously, I received a B.S., summa cum laude, in Computer Engineering from Florida A&M University. As an undergrad, I had a myriad of research experiences from biomedical engineering to ethics. I have worked on several patent matters at law firms and in-house.


May 1, 2024 Awarded Bowers CIS-LinkedIn Fellowship
Dec 1, 2023 Attended Women in AI Ethics Summit
Nov 13, 2023 Launched Practical Steps for Building Fair Algorithms course